Wednesday, September 19, 2012

J = :-)

This one’s for you, Mom!

I actually have to wonder as I write this post if anyone is even reading my blog.
Well, if you are, and you continually see “J” throughout my blogs, I want you to know that it’s supposed to be a smiley face.  :-)  Some applications, especially on Apple products, turn the smiley face into a “J”.  I can’t explain why.  However, if you’re seeing one, now you know why.  Just pretend I’m sending you a smile.

Oh, and fill free to leave a comment, just so I know someone is reading.  I’ll continue to write without an audience, but I’m curious.


  1. I wanted to leave a comment the other night, but I was too stupid to figure it out :) SO glad we finally caught up the other night and I'm so happy the Todd was there!! Hopefully you will get to add some yoga entries in here soon :) Love you!

    1. Nicho, I'm so glad we got together, too. The Todd and I adore you!! I can't wait to start our yoga experiences. Love you, too! (Sorry about the comment thing being so tough. You're not the only one having problems. Ugh!)

  2. Yea for Mom! Now everybody knows!

    1. Mom, you're not the only one wondering what that J was. It can be confusing! :)
