Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Unanswered Questions

Today, marks day 3 that I’ve been waiting for a returned call from my nurse. She was out of the office on Monday, so I knew I probably wouldn’t hear anything that day. However, I was really hoping to hear something yesterday.

I’m currently on the suppression phase of IVF. You take 30 days of active birth control pills in order to give your ovaries a rest before they are stimulated (from what I understand). Anyway, after about 20 days of the pill, my body decided to have its monthly cycle. I was supposed to skip that for another 10 days, but I didn’t. It could mean nothing, or it could mean that all of my dates will be pushed back. Regardless, I just want to know what it means. If it means I’m going to be pushed back, I will be really sad…really sad. I’ve been a mess all morning, but I just read this verse that brings me some peace.

"Don't worry about anything instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

UPDATE: Everything is just fine. Dr. Bundren and Kelly, my Lupron nurse, have been out of the office this week, so Mary Kathryn has been running the place by herself mostly. She just hasn't had time to call me back. I think I'll just start sending Todd up there every morning with a list of my questions. J I’m so relieved!! We are still on-track to do my suppression check next Wednesday, May 1.


  1. I hope you got the call you were needing today, if not, you better tomorrow. Whenever you want to set up camp there - I'm in! :)

    1. Ha! Thanks, Chelsea! Todd is actually going to be at their office tomorrow when they open. :)

    2. That's great! I feel like Matt, (my hubby) Can actually get answers from them better than I can. Send the men! :) Thinking of you and praying your dates remain the same.

    3. Thanks, Chelsea! I think you're right about the men. I just wish we didn't have to work so hard to get answers. I'll post an update as soon as I can about what he learned. Hopefully, you're date changes!

    4. Yay for the update! Go Todd!
