Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Goodbye, 32!

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.  Wow, that was profound.  I can’t believe I just made that up all on my own.  J
I can still remember last year on this day thinking that 32 was going to be the best age of all of them thus far.  It was going to be the year God gave us a baby.  Instead, God had different plans; 32 taught me a lot of lessons…a lot.  I’m pretty sure that 32 was the most difficult age thus far.  Man, I hope that in the distant future, I can say it was the most difficult of my life.

However, today is a new day and a new age.  I can say that I survived 32.  I made it to 33…something special has to happen when you’re repeating digits, right?!  I am officially leaving behind the year of failures and looking forward to a year of new beginnings.  Who’s with me?!
Who knew Taylor Swift was a genius? J
P.S.  Here's to hoping e-cards don't go out of style this year.  I'm kind of addicted.


  1. Happy Birthday! Here's to 33 being fabulous!

  2. Happy birthday beautiful girl! Hoping 33 is your big year…with lots of love and happiness. And a baby for both of us…for the grocery store or otherwise. ;)

    1. Awe, thank you, Jessah!! I hope this is the year we both get babies, too! I really hope we can obtain them legally, but I’m down for whatever it takes. Glad I have you as my potential partner in crime. :)
