Tuesday, June 16, 2015

IVF Cycle 5 – Calling Colorado - Consultation with Dr. Schoolcraft

Wednesday, June 10, 2015
First of all, happy birthday to my dad and my multiple friends with birthdays today!

Yesterday, I received an email from Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine.  That’s where Dr. Schoolcraft works.  They said that Todd and I had officially completed our registration information and were set for our consult with Dr. Schoolcraft on July 7.  Then, as I was reading through one of the 35 pages of information they had sent me (I’m not kidding, y’all), I saw a note where it said that once you had completed steps 1 and 2 of registration, you could be put on a cancellation list for a potential earlier consult.  I checked my notes, and sure enough, we had completed steps 1 and 2.  I dropped them a quick reply to put us on the cancellation list, and in a matter of minutes, I received a call saying he had a cancellation for last night.  I was ecstatic!  I called Todd.  We agreed we could make it work, and we set the appointment.

Soooo, we talked to Dr. Schoolcraft last night.  Oh, I was nervous.  I have had these consults so many times, and I still get nervous about all of them.  I worry that we will constantly try to talk over each other since we are on speaker phone.  I worry that I will forget to ask questions.  I worry that I won’t have the right information prepared.  And I love it!  Every time we have a new call, we get new information and new hope.  He didn’t disappoint last night, either!

Dr. Schoolcraft talked us through our previous cycles.  Then, he said he would be willing to let us cycle with my eggs.  Yay!  He, also, said that if we are going to consider donors at some point, he thinks an egg donor will be the answer.  I specifically asked him why he didn’t think we needed to replace the sperm, and he said that with Todd’s history of conceiving 3 children, his sperm should be fine.  I even asked if the vasectomy being so long ago could cause the sperm to deteriorate, and he said it wasn’t an issue.  Y’all, you cannot understand the relief this gives us!  Each time I tell the story, I tear-up.  Once again, God has come through for us!  We are willing to move on and discuss an egg donor at some point.  Moving on and discussing a sperm donor is a much trickier subject!  It’s complicated.

We have a lot of work to do before we can go see them.  I have to gather records from 2 different doctors, which is not as simple as just calling and requesting the records.  There are several other details that have to be worked out before that can happen.  Anyway, we are discussing and praying about if this is the direction we want to continue to head.  If so, at some point, we will head to Colorado for a day of testing, meetings, and a procedure for me.  Hello, dear anesthesia.  J

I am excited for this new hope.  Now, if only I can finish building my direct line to God, so I can see what He would like us to do next…


  1. Just want you to know I've been reading along and thinking of you. Onward to CCRM. XO

    1. That just made me smile one of those cheesy grins like the emoji where you don’t know if he’s Cheshire Cat smiling or gritting his teeth in frustration. Basically, you just made my day. Thank you! *Hugs*

  2. Laura, I've been following along with you for your fifth cycle. I'm so sorry for the outcome but I was so happy to read this post. The hope in this post makes me so happy! I know your story is not over and God will lead you to your baby! You guys are in my prayers daily. I think God has big plans for you :-). Hugs to you friend!

    PS Is this who Guilania Rancic used? I've followed her story for years :)

    1. Mandy, thank you so much for faithfully following and encouraging me! I can’t tell you how much we appreciate the prayers.

      This IS the same doctor Giuliana used. Check out this entry. I put a few fun links to articles about her that you will enjoy if you’re a fan. I loved looking into her more. I wish I had watched the show! http://makingmoviesjealous.blogspot.com/2015/06/ivf-cycle-5-going-home-consultation.html?m=1

  3. I'm wishing you so much luck with CCRM. They have made a lot of dreams come true and hope they can do the same for you.

    1. Thank you for that! I hope they make our dreams come true, too. I know you understand how big of a step it is to take to switch to CCRM. Our fingers and toes are crossed! :)
