Tuesday, May 12, 2015

LifeChurch.tv Sisters Blog

During National Infertility Awareness Week, I decided I wanted to find a way to spread awareness about infertility in a big way, so I wrote a letter to Amy Groeschel.  This was 100% out of my comfort zone.  Amy is the wife of our senior pastor, Craig, AKA The First Lady of LifeChurch.  J  She’s awesome.  I have heard her speak, and she just has the biggest heart for God.  Anyway, I found a way to have this letter delivered to Amy, and she read it!  Even better, she loved it.  She emailed me last week and asked if she could post it on the LifeChurch.tv Sisters Blog on Mother’s Day.  I actually cried.  I know, I’m a nerd.  I was so excited, though.

The next morning, our campus pastor and his wife stopped me separately to tell me that Amy had contacted them about my letter, too.  They were really moved by it.  I told Nicole, the wife, that I was so excited that Amy listened.  She told me that Amy listens to the Holy Spirit.  That’s why she knew to move on this.  What powerful and encouraging words!

Here is what Amy said in the blog she posted:
Lovely sisters, the saying, “God’s timing is perfect” is absolutely true, yet for many, His timing seems anything but perfect. My dear sister-in-Christ, Laura Provence, is a part of an incredible LifeGroup for women who battle infertility. Today (just this morning, actually), I received a touching letter from Laura regarding this sensitive subject. And I’m extremely grateful for her allowing me to share it with you.
~ Love, Amy

And here is the blog entry in its entirety:  http://lcsisters.tv/2015/05/10/220/

I am so moved that she wanted to post my letter.  I hope to be able to find more avenues to raise awareness about infertility.  It’s such an important topic for me.

Thank you, Amy, for helping me to spread the word.  You’re such an inspiration to so many of us.


  1. Laura! This is wonderful! I'm so proud of you for reaching out and I know that many women will be inspired by the sharing of your letter. You're a rock star!

    1. You are so good at sending encouragement. Thank you, Lisa. I do hope that it will touch at least someone and help them in their infertility battle.

  2. I am so proud to know you, Laura! You are truly one of a kind! I love that Amy shared about infertility for Mother's day. So touching!
