Monday, June 30, 2014

If You [Buy] It, They Will Come

One night in our recent past, Todd and I were cooking dinner together.  We started discussing how much money we have spent on baby items.  I’m not talking IVF and the such.  I’m talking about items that new mommies need when babies arrive. 

You see, several years ago, before we knew how long and hard it was going to be for us to have a baby, we purchased a really awesome stroller from one of my college roommates.  Then, my sister sold me some of her hand-me-downs, too.  Currently, we have a very nice stroller for a singleton, a baby carrier and base, a toy pony that sings, and several other items in our attic.  (Yes, I realize how crazy those purchases were now.)  Anyway, we were discussing if we should get rid of it all since it could be “jinxing” our attempts.  We agreed we didn’t believe in “jinxing,” and Todd said, “If you buy it, they will come.”  I’m on my way to Buy Buy Baby for more items to lure a little one into our lives.

By the way, Field of Dreams actually has great sentimental value to me.  I remember the first time I saw this movie, I was with my parents.  My dad came to tuck me in that night and told me how much his dad would have liked that movie.  I never got to meet that grandfather, as he passed away before any of us were born.  Hearing stories about him are some of the best stories that my dad ever tells, and he tells a lotJ  Random thought, but I wanted to share it.


  1. Todd is right! If you buy it, they will come. What baby can resist a singing pony? I bought a Texas onesie on our trip this weekend and my husband's vas deferens isn't even healed yet. Because, what baby can resist a onesie fashioned from a Texas flag?

    1. Dayna, I saw the onesie, and I think it's adorable! Todd is from Houston, so I'm going to have to get one of those to add to my collection. I'm thinking of buying a mini-van before our next cycle because I feel like that is the ultimate family purchase. ;-)

  2. I agree with the above! What baby/babies can resist a singing pony? I have a closet full of toys, 3 cases of diaper, wipes, books and gender neutral clothes (Okay, I have a couple baby boy Ralph Lauren outfits I couldn't resist!) I'm taking Todd's word on this one, The babies are on the way for you two! You might have to upgrade to a double stroller!

    1. Ha! Chelsea, I hope you're right about that double stroller. ;-) Don't tell Dr. McKinney I said that. Glad I'm not alone in this buying business!!

  3. I did the same thing. In fact many of the items are so dirty from being in our garage and outdated that we had to get rid of them. 10 years ago is when we started collecting stuff. Ugh! What a big bummer, huh!

    1. Holy moly! Ten years of collecting items. We put all of our items in giant trash bags to keep them as clean as possible. However, the stroller wouldn't fit. Maybe I should send Todd up there to check it for dust and spiders. I don't do spiders!

    2. Ha, ha. Me either. Spiders are a deal breaker. ;) Hope your stroller is still spider less.
