Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Embaby 2.0 & Embaby 3.0

My college friend, Stephanie, nicknamed our embabies today:  Embaby 2.0 and Embaby 3.0.  I love it! 

Yes, you read that right.  On the third day, God answered our prayers and strengthened one of our embabies.  We have moved from 2.0 and 2.5 grades to 2.0 and 3.0.  Of course, Embaby 2.0 is still too weak to be transferred tomorrow, but Embaby 3.0 is getting closer and closer to be considered “thriving.”  I love my embabies and couldn’t be more excited that they are both still alive.
Within the very near future, we should receive a phone call from our nurse to tell us what time our transfer appointment will be tomorrow.  When we arrive tomorrow, they will inform us of the results of the genetic testing.  At that time, Todd and I will have about 45 minutes to decide what to do with the embabies. 

Now, it must seem that we have put so much time and effort and money into this process, so we would obviously transfer whatever they will allow.  Ha!  Oh if only it were that easy.  Our first two cycles were that easy.  Not this cycle.

Tomorrow, we could find out that our embabies are chromosomally abnormal.  Then, we will have to decide what to do at that point.  Here are the options for abnormality (as I can remember them):
·         They are abnormal in a way that it will be impossible for them to become a viable pregnancy.
·         They are abnormal in a way that will result in miscarriage.
·         They are abnormal in a way that will cause the child to be disabled, i.e., Down Syndrome, Turner Syndrome, etc.
·         They are abnormal in a way that is unknown what will happen.

They could also be completely chromosomally normal.

Todd and I have discussed how we will handle each of these.  It’s not an easy decision to make.  Everyone has different opinions, too, but you have to decide what is best for your family. 

This is just another of a long line of decisions in infertility.  I still remember when we first had to decide what we would do with frozen embryos in the case that we divorced or one of us passed away.  WHAT?!  Yep, you have to think about those things and sign paperwork stating your decisions before you even start IVF.  In case you’re curious, we would have donated our embryos, but again, that’s a very personal decision that isn’t easy for anyone to make.

Anyway, we are thrilled to have our babies alive and well.  We cannot wait to see what happens tomorrow.  I hope each of you are having as blessed of a day as we are!

Shot Counter – 42 total:
Saturday, 8/30/14:
1)      Follistim 225 units, in the a.m.
2)      Menopur 75 IU, in the a.m.
3)      Follistim 225 units, in the p.m.
Sunday, 8/31/14:
4)      Follistim 225 units, in the a.m.
5)      Menopur 75 IU, in the a.m.
6)      Follistim 225 units, in the p.m.
Monday, 9/1/14:
7)      Follistim 225 units, in the a.m.
8)      Menopur 75 IU, in the a.m.
9)      Follistim 225 units, in the p.m.
Tuesday, 9/2/14:
10)   Follistim 225 units, in the a.m.
11)   Menopur 75 IU, in the a.m.
12)   Follistim 225 units, in the p.m.
Wednesday, 9/3/14:
13)   Follistim 225 units, in the a.m.
14)   Menopur 75 IU, in the a.m.
15)   Follistim 225 units, in the p.m.
Thursday, 9/4/14:
16)   Follistim 225 units, in the a.m.
17)   Menopur 75 IU, in the a.m.
18)   Follistim 225 units, in the p.m.
Friday, 9/5/14:
19)   Follistim 225 units, in the a.m.
20)   Menopur 75 IU, in the a.m.
21)   Follistim 225 units, in the p.m.
Saturday, 9/6/14:
22)   Follistim 225 units, in the a.m.
23)   Menopur 75 IU, in the a.m.
24)   Follistim 225 units, in the p.m.
Sunday, 9/7/14:
25)   Follistim 225 units, in the a.m.
26)   Menopur 75 IU, in the a.m.
27)   Follistim 225 units, in the p.m.
Monday, 9/8/14:
28)   Follistim 225 units, in the a.m.
29)   Menopur 75 IU, in the a.m.
30)   Follistim 225 units, in the p.m.
Tuesday, 9/9/14:
31)   Follistim 225 units, in the a.m.
32)   Menopur 75 IU, in the a.m.
33)   Follistim 225 units, in the p.m.
Wednesday, 9/10/14:
34)   Follistim 225 units, in the a.m.
35)   Menopur 75 IU, in the a.m.
36)   Follistim 225 units, in the p.m.
Thursday, 9/11/14:
37)   Follistim 300 units, in the a.m.
Friday, 9/12/14:  SHOT FREE DAY!!!
Saturday, 9/13/14:
39)   Progesterone in oil 1/2 mL, in the p.m.
Sunday, 9/14/14:
40)   Progesterone in oil 1/2 mL, in the p.m.
Monday, 9/15/14:
41)   Progesterone in oil 1 mL, in the p.m.
Tuesday, 9/16/14:
42)   Progesterone in oil 1 mL, in the p.m.

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for you and hoping that you don't have to make those types of decisions. I know that God is bigger than any chromosome abnormalities so don't let fear make the decision for you. I heard a testimony of a women who learned the baby inside of her had downs syndrome but she prayed and prayed against it....when the baby was born, he didn't have downs. But he did have the famous line in his hand that suggested he had downs. God is good and he healed that precious baby in the womb! Love ya sugars! xo
